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This Passionate Moment

Red hot and cool Green peace passions bring us to this sacred synergetic EarthTime More dialogue regenerative when cooperative so more redundantly competitive when endless debate degenerative Less producing fruit of Future's healthy integral Whole OpenSystemic secular and sacred indigenously wise potential. Thriving individual subsystems play more compassionately than dispassionately work competitively at surviving midst fractured remnants of a formerly fertile GoldenRuling Earth Once, when Her Earth/Sky Narrative was a more interdependently enlightening polypathic choice Rather than a stubborn MonoTheistic Patriarchal Passion historic eco-political voice with a Win/Lose monopolistic severed soul 0-Sum worldview Where a sterile LeftBrain reductively dogmatic cynical Win/Lose evolving greed, powerlust competitive lack of trust, devolved dissonantly AnthroSupreme MonoCulturing MonoTheistic Othering distrust, partisan disempowering evangelical disgust. If our only healthy choice is to deify Love or richly commodify abuse and neglect, I will not further blaze a four lane runway flying off toward ballistic Hell homophobic racist traumas rooted in anthro-supremacist Swells failing compassion for all EarthTribe spirit/natures, especially those disabled outside our secularized native gait. If Earth's sacred Mother regeneration has brought healthy spirited nature to this global climate crisis of win/lose competing uncleanliness of StraightWhite AnthroPurity next to Patriarchal MonoPolistic godliness What polycultural healing rooms and dualdark synergetic stages, ecotherapeutic rages, and universal salvation wages remain for compassion to restrain more than gloom dis-unitarian doom echoing silo zoom rooms To cooperatively practice PatriCapitalist healing nonviolent Cooperative-EcoFeminist meditating win/win communicating predator/prey peaceful creolizing compassionate multicultural realizing Rainbow Holistic iconic transubstantiating healthy-wealth double-binding co-arising Left/Right Wing/Sing wu-wei Yang Historic Form/Yintegral EarthMother Flow Secular bipolarity and Sacred dipolar wHolarity together exercising well-earned peak experience hilarity Golden Rules and in-spirit/out-nature balancing Ratios health/wealth bipartisan matters too Binomially bicamerally ubiquitous almost ridiculous to dualistically ignore nature/spirit's co-intelligently regenerate preference for healthy association rather than unwealthy dissociation Healthy/wealth reconnecting inter-re-ligioning prime relationship design Win/win cooperatively nuanced complexity within a hyper-ecstatic Goddess GaiaNest for feminist fire-circling singing-dancing RightBrain flexing students Of win/win political green ecological empowerment enlightening our already holonic NonZeroZoned spirit for EarthNature's restoring sacred copassionate hands and feet minds with bodies spirits with sensory-neural nonviolently communing nature's polypathways Compassion's LeftHemisphere secular deductive strength reconnects Self v Other thoughts with RightHemisphere's inductive flow Of heal v hurt warning feelings for restoring EarthGreen's optimal Health wealthy peaceful and inter-religious polycultural EarthTribe passions Without win/lose partisan Doubt and with win/win eco/theo-logical shout bicamerally communioning out speaking Incisive-Decisive Voice NonViolently, and, more precisely, compassion delivering us into this sacred SpaceTimely climate and cultural equipoise of Earth's healthiest wealth through well-purposed and meaningful Integral Choice of CoPassionate Voice.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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