This Night I Sail
Powerful and cold is the ocean
This night I sail, take me gently
For I like the sea now so old
And weary from the storm in me
Unlike you, so restless and free
Take my soul gently out to sea
Onto your crest into sparkles of light
On your waves’ adrift out to sea
To be washed upon a beach of sand
Cleaned of stone; bleached white
To be made into castles to never stand
Washed away into the night
As I wish to be taken away in this night
The sands of time have all poured out
Only the sea left for me to dream about
I wish to be like you restless and free
And live forever into the deep old sea
To become the sand so to remember me
Once a castle now part of the deep old sea
Copyright © Cynthia Ferguson | Year Posted 2014
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