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This moment

#This_moment; Its hard to breath in here, my lungs exhaust to serve my respiratory system, I try hard to reach out to the outer world but this atmosphere chains my abilities to do so, I so wish to break free from this dungeon, my life pumps in pauses, my breath keep skipping, I run in a halt, the wildest hopeless open space, this is worse than death this is both shocking and scary, the human in me, running loose, a chase in darkness of fear, this is sore, having hands but useless to use, for the pain is everywhere. This moment is traumatizing, emotions scattered and confused inside this tiny body of mine, this is worse, when every part of me feels so crippled I wanna shout but only gestures of words comes out, I wanna cry but this body keeps capturing my tears, I cry a dry and voiceless cry. The human function, I feel my body failed to perform, the role I was staged to play, now I know not the scene to present it, for this moment has drained every clear vision and clearity, which ones resided in me. This is hell, the feeling of coffined, while there's still a pulse in my veins, the act of evil and heartlessnes, this here, is conscious drifting. Ooh! human of Earth bear me a hand, can heaven certify my breathing permit, so I can lend on its gates. If failure and hopeless resembled this much, then why on Earth I exist #Poetic_Ink

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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