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This Is Real Love

Poet's Notes

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Written on August 21, 2023 



Painting my thoughts in bold, vibrant hues – Lavender and cobalt, scarlet and gold – all the beautiful Found in the music, the poem, the art – unfolding On a heart who believes, this life truly is a mystery, But, it also shares a sense of the things only heaven Can share with the natures who believe, The ones who see His hand in everything that is – Every smile, every tear, every light All the wonder and the hope, the dreams Who silence the soul’s doubt… All the little things, like a star kissed night, moonlit Surviving the nocturnal, healing with each reflection, The wonder of summer, silent and elated, and the brilliance of autumn, as she harvests even the eventuality of suspicion, the stillness of winter, breathless and pouring out her fluid flakes, gentling the past – then, the energy of springtime, making its peace with the sunrise dreams and sunset reality, All the miracles and wonders, stirring hearts to see Through their hesitation, into the promise, Grace that brings such a sweetness, only souls Birthed by hope and faith, the most beautiful calm, Can remember – this is His hand, His quiet breathe… Preparing the spirit to reach beyond the former things, Into the present where there is a place for marvelous, A promise of the happiest joy, joy brought to life – From the seeds of a past, where there was such strife, But, now – where we live, the moments bleed a brilliance That surrounds the soul with compassion, inspirations Alive like the cool winds who haunt the hills, The gentle tears, dewlike and intimate as a sigh, a breathe Of the moment when yesterday met the moment He Promised, the moment just before the next wonder stirs Up a feeling, a promise, a yearning – The burning of a light far more beautiful, glistening With the miracles inspired by His glory, Light radiating His grace, the beauty in His face, Lustrous and shimmering with the light – Like fire in the night, weighing the cost, Remembering all that isn’t lost because He lives, Like the beautiful in a heart, the twinkling skies pouring out Whispers of joy and hope, soul stirring wisdoms – Assuring that His love is abiding within those who know Him, Know Him as the One who makes a way through the dark, Silences the fears, destroys all sign of tears, inspires the wonder – The intimate ponderings …. He is there, arising in every prayer, The kindness that always cares, always shares… Love that can never doubt, love that is like a shout – Praising the One who gave all so we could know Him, The answer to all of our prayers, The wonder that silences all our tears, The grace that makes a way through the pain, Assures that the winds of change won’t fade away – The beautiful flow of His grace – our chance… To know the One who makes a way through each storm, The One who encourage us to grow, to know – Love this real is much more than what we feel, This is a love that captures souls – it is real and it heals. Capturing my soul as He lifts my hopes to the skies, Comforting and encouraging – even though I’m so unworthy – He is cheering me on because He wants me to come home, Where He has always known me as His beloved, the child Who shines for the SON, who drove out the darkness I’d known, Singing beauty through my heart, joy through my soul – this is real love!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/22/2023 10:38:00 AM
He is cheering me on because He wants me to come home, <------ This is so true, and such a wonderful feeling. Your wonderful Poem captures the love He bestows on us, not as a reward, not because we love Him, because no matter how unworthy we feel, He thinks we are worthy of His love. Brilliant writing Gina. A favorite from me.
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