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Thinking Materially Gaseous Mineral

Think(ing) materially gaseous Mineral if anything can be thought to be certain what thinks thinks up the multiverses in the first place minus the ego so solipsistic faramineux worlds as the solitary thought can contain other diachronic universes thought up likewise by our anti-selves hidden by necessity to our Selves behind blind coulisses sliding door dimensions opaque window views for some perhaps all = black hole in the head mundane life an out-of-space experiment well why not robots evolving into Pavlovian mice-minded humans but experiment and life equally part of the thinking ding an sich neither beginning nor end the maddened dog spinning after its own tail keeps us in the space-time curve the robot cannot understand nonsense or c an it be programmed for away with avatars saviours prophets messiahs gurus soothsayers mystificators give us this day our four fundamental truths and forgive us our ignorances for Thine is the Big-Bang for ever and ever till Big-Crunch Day drums at your four firm Judgement feet who lives to prove this if answers must always be sought by Einsteins discoveries awaiting corroboration for once gone you’re gone for ever UNSUPPORTED CODE for THINE is the Big Banged Kingdoms for ever and ever till bigcrunched balls litter your four law-bound feet May 5, 1997 © T. Wignesan – Paris, 2016; revised from the collection: longhand notes (1999)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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