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Things To Do In Summertime

Poet's Notes

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I've posted the illustrated version of Things To Do In Summer Time on my site Lines with Lines. 

Follow my daily posts on Instagram, too. Thank you for your support! —Cary

Get some sunshine, get a bruise, play a game that you might lose. Go out fishing, ride your bike, skate the park or take a hike. Find some friends and climb a tree, try to catch a honeybee. Swim the lake or in your tub, watch the stars or join a club. Don’t just sit inside all day, if you must then play with clay. Build a blanket fort with chairs, help your figures climb the stairs. Take a break from lights and screens, read a book, imagine scenes. Don’t let summer go to waste, it will soon be gone with haste.Get some sunshine, get a bruise, play a game that you might lose. Go out fishing, ride your bike, skate the park or take a hike. Find some friends and climb a tree, try to catch a honeybee. Swim the lake or in your tub, watch the stars or join a club. Don’t just sit inside all day, if you must then play with clay. Build a blanket fort with chairs, help your figures climb the stairs. Take a break from lights and screens, read a book, imagine scenes. Don’t let summer go to waste, it will soon be gone with haste.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 8/1/2018 12:58:00 PM
"if you must then play with clay" :) This made me smile and giggle all at the same time. So cute and creative indeed. I like this poem about moments in the Summertime. My favorite would be- lingering outside in the rain. :) Brandy
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Nicole Avatar
Brandy Nicole
Date: 8/1/2018 1:16:00 PM
There are many exciting moments you mentioned here. :) I like them all. Some rain has caressed my world, but could use so much more. Hmm, I will send some your way, maybe it will reach you. ~ Brandy
Snowden Avatar
Cary Snowden
Date: 8/1/2018 1:09:00 PM
I have a nephew that works with clay - keeps him busy and active on a hot summer day. We could use a little rain out here in the high plains of the West; it's a little crispy right now! I'm betting my entire city would be out dancing in it. -Cary

Book: Reflection on the Important Things