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Things That Irk Me

Here's some things that really irk me They must irk some of you guys too Loaded baskets in those Express Lanes My face turns a scarlet hue Imagine the gall of some irksome drivers Doing fifty in a fifty mile zone What is it with these bunch of yahoos? Probably gabbing on their phones! When you order a cup of hot java At your favourite coffee shop And it turns out to be luke warm at best You wanna give the server a pop! Another one of my little pet peeves Pill bottles that are made seniors proof You get a hernia trying to open these things The inventor was on some kind of juice! Playing along with the clues on Jeopardy Interrupted by some breaking news Unless the world is actually coming to an end It can wait till the end of the clues! Bugs me when some guy in a big fancy car Takes up more than one parking space These a-holes need to be straightened out Love a word with them face to face! Ahhh! It sure feel a whole lot better now Once I got these things off my chest Life is too short to let these things bug you They're minor annoyances at best! © Jack Ellison 2013

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/26/2013 4:42:00 PM we go...tail gaiters...idiots who won't pass ...too afraid to be the one in front they push you to go faster...they get my brakes!!! Unrully children....screaming in inappropriate places...we could keep this going awhile...:-)
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/27/2013 8:11:00 AM
Got a whole bunch more! Give me some of yours and I'll write a follow-up! Big hugs dear Donna xoxoxox
Date: 4/25/2013 11:25:00 AM
My worst pet peeve is when the weather man breaks in for an hour for a simple storm... He likes to hear his own voice... They could have an occasional break and show it at the BOTTOM of the screen like they used to do... but noooo... they even run out of things to say... If it's major that's one thing... these minor storms are a pain... I'm looking up the station managers name and sending my dragon over for an afternoon of being a nuisance... Let him snooze on HIS couch...LOL
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/25/2013 11:29:00 AM
So that dragon of yours performs really a great service to society... he's (she's) not just a nuisance around your humble abode! Way to go dragon!!! xoxox
Date: 4/25/2013 9:45:00 AM
You know, you really want to make me want to write about my pet peeves as well! Though it'd be a challenge to make them as lighthearted and funny as you do... one day I will take up the challenge! You said you weren't a book reader and yet I noticed you mentioned Yahoos (which is what they called humans on the island of the Houyhnhnms in Gulliver's Travels). I, too, hate broadcast interruptions!
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/25/2013 9:59:00 AM
I'm waiting for your one on pet peeves, my friend so get right to it!!!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry