They Walk Warmly Together
God looks at Death, and it nods,
It knows that it’s time for them to walk together,
They journey across the sunlit fields,
And through the meadows of night.
There’s an onus for God and a call for Death,
Time moves ahead of them,
And the bell chimes wherever it stops,
Signalling a mission to fulfil.
God halts the midnight train,
While Death summons souls to embark,
They are taken to the beyond,
Separated at the celestial station.
God observes the soul’s chamber,
And he shakes his head,
Death wishes to carry out its duty,
But God holds it back,
He says there are still more mysteries for the soul to unravel.
God walks alongside Death dedicated,
Though there is a summoning,
There is also attentive listening and an incomprehensible consideration,
Death is the fragile, insatiable stranger,
While God is the boundless being that gazes deep into the chamber,
Two dissimilar entities that walk together.
February 8, 2025.
Copyright © Thompson Emate | Year Posted 2025
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