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They Did Not Tell, They Are Not Snitches

I was sitting in a meeting quietly, trying to act serious When the good friend behind me fiddled with my chair, something furious. I traveled down hard and fast, completely jarred, as I landed. Reached behind me and slapped her knee with a crack, overhanded. The ones who saw were in crazy stitches. They did not tell, they are not snitches.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 8/7/2018 2:21:00 AM
Hello Caren … unfortunately Caren, the retaliator is the one who mostly gets caught. I'm pleased to read that you've got good mates behind you - thanks Caren - Lindsay
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 8/7/2018 2:59:00 AM
I should have been caught. It was completely quiet except for the low voice of our boss, when SMACK! I hit that knee, and it sounded like a glass wall had broken. The insane laughter of the table she was sitting at did not help.
Date: 8/6/2018 5:53:00 PM
True story?
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 8/6/2018 8:15:00 PM
It happened this morning during a faculty meeting. I know we are not supposed to HIT but it was an automatic reaction, Kim.
Date: 8/6/2018 3:07:00 PM
Ahh, you have written a really nice 6 lines poem here, I absolutely love reading it, good luck and have a really nice day
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 8/6/2018 8:15:00 PM
Thank you Faraz. I had fun with it.
Date: 8/6/2018 2:57:00 PM
I loved this description of something that apparently happened to you! Some really bizarre things can happen to us on almost a weekly basis it seems. I liked that rhyme of the last two lines.
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 8/7/2018 2:12:00 AM
My friend emailed me to apologize but I was the one who thought she needed to apologize. I told her I was horrified by my reaction. We are really good friends; I think my face was as red as her knee.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry