"they Come Out At Night"
the bullies come out at night
and well, yes they are looking for a fight-
they have something to say albeit,
not uplifting, there's some insight-
their cold, sullen diatribes come from way down-
deep down in a pit where they find themselves at this time-
they hurt; perhaps someone has hurt them dear-
whatever; that's not me- for i am free-
i was down there- down in that hole where-
i did not care to see- you see, i like criticism,
it helps me- good or bad, it does'nt make me
sad or mad, it just rolls off my back as
water off a ducks a- anyway;
here's to fun, let's have some
here's to rhyme, even the forced kind!
ba, bye
Copyright © Bill Frew | Year Posted 2010
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