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"they Come Out At Night"

the bullies come out at night and well, yes they are looking for a fight- they have something to say albeit, not uplifting, there's some insight- their cold, sullen diatribes come from way down- deep down in a pit where they find themselves at this time- they hurt; perhaps someone has hurt them dear- whatever; that's not me- for i am free- i was down there- down in that hole where- i did not care to see- you see, i like criticism, it helps me- good or bad, it does'nt make me sad or mad, it just rolls off my back as water off a ducks a- anyway; here's to fun, let's have some here's to rhyme, even the forced kind! ba, bye

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 3/24/2010 9:46:00 AM
Sometimes criticism good or bad helps us grow. As you get older you realize and don't look at things the way you did when you were younger. Even thought younger people might not agree age and years help you see things more clearly. Enjoyed reading. God Bless Phyl
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Date: 3/24/2010 9:18:00 AM
Like this Bill - Great language used throughout - Thanks for a fab share - I enjoyed this one a lot -:)
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