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these things at night

have a wonderful week may you all be well thank you
"these things at night" these things at night we long to stay stay within our hearts minds souls we long for the feeling to warm our days days that light and fill the grace of love never a doubt when this lives deep inside inside our days of such sweet whispers hold close the magic of moons and stars stars that turn to suns for wanting light we and we alone hold such power to retain retain such magic of these things at night SkyWatcher 11-14-23

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/25/2023 11:33:00 AM
Lisa, in my opinion, you are at one with our Universe. At times I talk to the moon but his expression remains always the same same which means, to me in any case, that whatever he whispers to us is sound and reliable advise whereas the magical twinkling stars tiptoe through our milky way and indeed our cosmos and caress our souls sprinkling forget-me-nots around and upon us. Be well and blessed dear friend. Jennifer.
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 11/28/2023 8:19:00 AM
Dear Jennifer. Hi. Through your words and commentary I can tell the entry was read. Thank you for that for it is a plus for me that is was. I guess I am one with the universe. I hope that is a good thing (smile). I'm sorry so much time has passed. Happy Holiday Season to you. Have a wonderful week and I will see you shortly on your page. Thank you once again Jennifer. Peace and Blessings now and always. (smile)
Date: 11/14/2023 10:05:00 PM
Your words ring true, my sweet poet friend. Thank you for sharing the words of your heart with us. It is so reassuring to know others have the same or similar thoughts as ours. Your poems are a comfort to my heart and soul, my dear friend. May peace and joy walk with you throughout this life. Hugs, Bill
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 11/15/2023 3:59:00 AM
Hello Bill. Good Morning. It is I who thanks you. May your very words revert back to you and Sara too because they do. Thank you every so much. I'm so glad our paths have crossed through poetry. Truly. May there always be peace comfort and light. I will return soon to your page. Have a beautiful morning and day filled with everything good. Peace and Blessings always. (smile)
Date: 11/14/2023 8:49:00 AM
Dearest sweet Lisa, your way with words is as soul warming as the light you sprinkle upon my feed of poetry. I really love the imagery here, i read this and i was in awe of the flow of your words and the way you’ve written in such an ethereal manner especially the opening lines are so captivating and melodious made me wonder, do you listen to sonatas when weaving these gems? Cus they have this beautiful cadence that truly makes me feel so much and my soul sing along, yes it is only within us-
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 11/15/2023 3:56:00 AM
Dear Empress. Good Morning. Words do not express my appreciation for such generosity and graciousness. Truly. Thank you ever so much. I do not take you for granted. Please know I think you are a beautiful and skilled poetess who writes in true poetic fashion. Yes I do. Have a wonderful morning and day. I will see you soon on your page. Peace and Blessings always. (smile) Thank you Thank you because as I reflect on your commentary of sonatas. No I don't but I love music and could not think of the world without it. I write what I feel and thinking at that moment and write it down. I am old school where I do not edit the words because it changes the meaning the moment and flow so I let my original thought stand. I am very honored Empress. Thank you again. Have a beautiful day. Peace and Blessings always. (smile)
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 11/14/2023 8:50:00 AM
we have the true power to change things around and turn every dark sky into one that is starry, your way with passing your thoughts is so profound and poetic and i cant help but add this to my faves. Sending you light always
Date: 11/14/2023 6:32:00 AM
Beautiful poetry. I needed to read something hopeful and positive today. The wonders of the cosmos. Let them inform us and guide our way
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 11/15/2023 3:46:00 AM
Good Morning Tom. Hello. I am beyond honored by your commentary and intake. Thank you for that and for sharing it with me. I do not take your review and commentary for granted. May today be a great day in every way showing everything good. Yes, "let them inform us and guide our way" exactly. Thank you once again for your generosity. I will see you soon on your page. Blessings and Peace... (smile)
Date: 11/14/2023 6:25:00 AM
May that magic stay with you always, Lisa. A very lovely poem:) Stay safe and be well:)
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 11/15/2023 3:42:00 AM
Good Morning Daniel. Hi. Thank you very much and the same to you. Truly. Please know I do not take you for granted. Peace and Blessings always and I will see you soon on your page. (smile)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry