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These Melancholy Days

Today I awoke feeling rather odd I was neither sick nor in pain I just felt wrong I was happy in a sad sort of way I did what I had to do Which was a whole bunch of nothing really Got my wife off to work My daughter off to school Went to Psychical Therapy And got tortured Lifted weights for about an hour Then came home and cleaned house Did my yard work Read a whole bunch of amazing poetry Went out to the ranch and wished I was already back to work Talked to my boss Told him the doctor said next month He told me to not rush things Next month will be here soon enough Came back to town Stopped by the collage Enrolled in some evening courses Went over and fixed this old couples Sprinkler system Refused to take their money Came home and called my wife To see how her day was And now I’m just sitting here Talking to the Lord about how worthless I feel These Melancholy Days

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 8/26/2008 10:08:00 PM
Good poem for a minute I thougt it was about me. Thank you for you comment of my poem Husband or Wife. Oh you have two words reversed (he told me to not rush things) not to. Tony
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Date: 8/21/2008 9:52:00 PM
enjoyed reading this i have days such as these. loved your title. a great moving poem. thank you for reading my butterfly in the forest and for your comment
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Date: 8/21/2008 9:51:00 AM
the thing about melancholy days is you have to realize that they don't last always. the Lord takes away his sprit for a little while just to let you know that you cant live without Him. but when you make a come back, you'll have learned the lesson of how not to have any more melancholy days. jhl
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Date: 8/19/2008 4:02:00 PM
Isn't it odd that we rarely take the time to honor ourselves for the sculpture that we are- Grand couplet at the end, as I don't believe anything else would have sufficed. Mac
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Date: 8/19/2008 3:30:00 AM
Dearest Michael...I have had many a day such as this, and this is why out household motto is, "everything is transitory" this too shall pass (as you know) and worthless? Um, no. You could never be. :) Reread your poem here, as if one of US had written it...what would you say to THEM? I bet it would be very uplifting and wonderful, that is where your heart is...blessings, love Kristin
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Date: 8/18/2008 6:28:00 PM
How do you do so much in one day, and never say worthless, you are fantastic...I received your book today, and can't wait to have time to myself to just sit, and read...I carried my son's Bible to him, and ask him to start writing his thoughts down for me, also my friend's son has just gotten out on House Arrest, and he has a lot of poetry he wrote, these are going in my book...It will be "The Heartach Of Meth" "Through The Eyes Of A Mother" Always, Christy
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Date: 8/18/2008 6:25:00 PM
Michael,you've been kind hearted to me and my faint attempts at poetry. I had no idea that I was writing "Out of the Storm" on a day you were feeling so down. This poem and the other poems you have written, shows a heart of someone who is so worthy, kind and goodhearted. Whenever you are having a stormy day, please hold on to that thought. Such a fine person you are. I hope tomorrow feels kinder to you. Also remember we are neighbors ..we see the same mountains here in No CA., God Bless, Carrie
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Date: 8/18/2008 5:38:00 PM
Dear Michael, Your poem is an extraordinary write. You have captured your depressing moments beautifully with lavish expressions. May I thank you also for admiring my poem You Didn't Come. God bless you! -Mohammad
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Date: 8/18/2008 5:34:00 PM
Worthless? Michael Jordan you are simply the complete opposite of that word! No, no that is simply just not the case, for you did so much already in just one day. I believe we all get melancholy from time to time for no apparent reason. Or maybe there is a reason, and we just need time to figure it out. I am sending you wishes full of sunshine and brighter days. Be happy, you are loved and appreciated by so many! Love, Shar xoxo
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things