There Oughta Be a Law
"Aequum et bonum", Latin for "what is right and just".
Laws are the pillars of civilizations,
They underlie great cultures
And shore up great states and nations.
But laws are only as good as the people who make them,
And they're no good at all if those same people break them.
A law can be too flexible, too one-size-fits-all,
And too strict ones face being redacted.
But if a law's necessary and answers a call,
There's no reason it should not be enacted.
This country was founded, to everyone's relief,
On democratic principles, not Bible-based beliefs.
Through the years, as we know, some laws have been amended,
And others, under fire now, are staunchly being defended.
Why shouldn't two men or two women get married?
Why can't women and men work and earn equal pay?
Why's abortion an issue that has so many men worried?
Shouldn't that be left up to a woman to say?
Why make laws that're bound to be undone
And dismissed or hissed in history?
They should benefit the many, not just the few, or one.
Why that creates such strife's to me a mystery.
For a law I see no justification,
And for that matter, no defense,
That doesn't have as its foundation
Just plain old common sense.
Copyright © Jim Slaughter | Year Posted 2022
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