There Is No Atonement
In support of human rights everywhere. The truth is not discovered quickly enough for justice to prevail and reparations to be made. But in time, all is revealed. And those who commit atrocities take their actions with them into their next life.
Let's be the bridge for all that is good for everyone we meet. If you can't help, at least don't harm.
There is no atonement
By Michelle Morris
There is no atonement
For the atrocities that men do
Those acts beyond the unthinkable
That linger on in history
No matter what the books say
No matter what is told
The truth goes on inside us
It affects humanity's DNA
There is no atonement
No excuses that can be made
If we harm others in our lifetime
We take our tarnished halos to the grave
© Michelle Morris, 2023
Copyright © Michelle Morris | Year Posted 2023
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