The Worlds Gone Mad
Flipitty flopoty foo
My mom says
The woman’s gone mad
She is talking to my sis and makes funny faces
Here comes the train choo choo
Says my dad
He is going weird to
Has the world gone mad
She is looking at me
That little girl
She is smiling
How could she be smiling when the worlds gone crazy
I wonder if she’s to cause
Making them talk funny
I wonder if she could do that
Oh no what am I thinking she is doing this
Sure she looks cute
Sure she looks adorable
But I promise you
That baby is horrible
I tried to tell my mom
But she things I’ve been bitten by the green monster
Now the baby has a pet
What’s going on
I tried to tell my dad
He laughs and says I’m going mad
What is up with world
More importantly what is up with this little girl
I need to lie down
This is just a bad dream
After my nap
Maybe this will disappear
When I awake the baby is in my face
She laughs
I scream
And now she is crying
I try to calm her down
I try to pick her up
But she weighs like hundred pounds
Mom comes in she says what’s this about
And what did I do
I said nothing
And she said I was lying
I said no I’m not
And she said now you’re talking back
Has the world gone mad
Now you see what I have trying to tell you
What are you talking about
She is evil
I say
She has been making you and daddy talk funny
She said that’s the way you talk t babies
I say ok
And she walks away
My point has been proven
The babies can control your mind
Now I’m only two but
She won’t get in my head
But I can officially say everyone else has gone absolutely and utterly mad
Copyright © Katresa Durham | Year Posted 2010
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