The Wittling Bench
The time was an earlier yesterday
middle town America back in an earlier yesteryear
a time when life moved so much slower
neighbors helped neighbors and people had time to chat
there was a time when you could find it there
probably tucked back under the storefront awning
in front of some old rural country store
just an old slab wood whittling bench
where each day; weather permitting
a few senior gentlemen gathered about
no captains of industry these but each armed with
his favorite whittling knife; honed to a keen edge; wood in hand
a place where stories were swapped; off color joke exchanged
talk was of weather, crop prices, politics or latest news of the day
strong opinions expressed; arguments vigorously make
as small wood chips were the only product of the day
the scene played out year upon year and with time
with a notch cut here; a few chips carved there
the old whittling bench was slowly carved away
Copyright © Donald J Bennett | Year Posted 2016
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