The Wedding Picture
Mom and Dad's wedding picture
frames a glass-covered black and white frozen moment
with warm smiles
for invisible cameras.
He in his WWII uniform
of a first class private Republican
with recent patriotic death technology experience.
She in a white satin dress,
veil innocently pulled back,
rosy, more democratic, cheeks
even black and white monotheism
cannot fully suppress.
I am in there too,
on their first day
of my realistic political and biological chance
to become
with who we are
this morning
in this home
in this town
in this State
in this Nation
on this Earth
In this time
of climate health and pathology
and spiritual health longing to belong
and economic health as probably less hoarded wealth
and political health and supremacist pathology
and mental health and issues,
opportunities of Yang wealth
and risks of not yet enough restoring Yin-Matriarchal health.
This white satin laced bride
and this uniformed groom
smile together in black and white
monoculturing wedding pictured,
where white carries the main Yang history
while black
was lack
of negative information,
They too
had been understory health potentials
when my grandparents,
matriarchal and patriarchal,
smiled without black and white cameras
through their pre-WWI wedding days.
On back
through unrecorded 4D polyculturing histories
of full-color wedding days.
On back
to before patriarchal and matriarchal commitment smiles,
invested in future cooperative economies
and, preferably, synergetic family politics,
relationships and transactions
of all nutritional varieties,
had ever thought of public wedded vows
to love and cherish
potential Elders in Her EarthMother Womb.
Frozen moments
restoring new climate potentials
through cooperative commitments
to future lives,
their health,
our health,
Elders' health potential of wealth
all together
in this one black and white
wedding picture frame.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2017
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