The Upper Room At Green and Grand In Brooklyn
A single blue bird perched above the rest
Not all birds of a feather flocked together;
Each mount with reverence brought comfort much closer,
Time's passages once feared, held a single test.
The test of a life time suited and disguised,
The unknown harbors lessons to be learned
Solitary souls do find their way home -
I have seen shriveled dead folks holding to life.
Freedom becomes imposter in our dreams
Of carefree years. Yet love looms much larger still;
Like skylight, and rain song, that will cure those ill -
I think of matriarchs striving to stay clean.
Spring became green and grand with its gifting
A soundless tear drop in silence of winter,
A broken voice reaching out to its Maker,
My rebirth room left light and fresh as its giving.
Copyright © Iris E. Sankey- Lewis | Year Posted 2021
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