The unread misery of a poet
I bleed my pens ink
I stab my paper
until I wound it with my pens
I break my diary's back
I torture my art
my writing kills me with all emotions
I let my grief , despair and regrets all at once
while a giant rock moves inside my throat
my breath buried 6 feet under
my eyes stabbed with hopelessness and deject
I bleed tears
I torture myself
only for you to be deprived of the pain
If only we you loved me enough
You would see how I torture myself
I would sell myself
if only you knew how your hands are stained with our blood
the red of love and suffering
the blue of despair
the blue of my pens ink
the secret I have to carry the one you are free from
I created a world for you from blood sweat tears words and ink
only for you to never truly know of it let alone live in it
how is it fair you get to live freely
while I suffer in the world I created for you
Copyright © Pavas Chauhan | Year Posted 2024
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