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The Ultimate Time Waster

If you are into time wasting, Sooner or later you will find yourself flicking, Although in the in the early days of TV there were reasons for stopping, As there were programs that were quite exciting, Enough, to quell the urge to take up flicking, As a means of time wasting, Then the number of channels started increasing, With their content becoming more and more boring, And flicking carrying on into the morning. Then we got to learn computing, Which meant more time wasting, And more choices and places to enjoy flicking. But it was not until someone started blogging, And people could make a living, Out of bragging about their following, That flicking, Won the the ultimate prize for time wasting, And our intelligence really started deteriorating, As we are now texting, Messages about TV Programs, on computers, we have been watching, And blogs we have been streaming, All without an ending, Because we have resorted to flicking, The ultimate form of time wasting, That I only see increasing.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/9/2023 3:18:00 AM
so true David. l now wonder what the A! tech will bring,it really worries me. l came off facebook etc because of its time wasting, was really hard though, it was like a drug to come off it.just catching up with your poems as not been on here for sometime, hope all is well, take care,J
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David Smith
Date: 11/9/2023 10:07:00 AM
Good to hear from you Jackie. All well with us. I will soon be five years cancer free and our grandson turns 5 in February. Reading Christmas poems at our local Christmas function this year alongside my Jazz artist Composer friend. I am still enjoying playing with words and helping others to think a bit deeper about things and feel a little more hopeful. Summer here so plenty of garden time. Have a great week-end David in NZ

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry