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The Two Brothers, Lemmy and Remi

There were two of them Lemmy and Remmy... Two leaders born Born of destiny The weight of government Must rest on the shoulders Of Lemmy and Remmi Israe-el and Leki One king the other kingsman One immortalized one mortal There is no telling them apart but Leki has a scar on his back.. yet Others claim Israe-el has a scar too When mama called out to Israe-el He faced his mama who realized The folly for faced her Leki... A heated exchange outside the mall Israe-el has Leki vexed.. And now its an all out war.. Israel tries to use the katana fails to wield it in its full power Leki takes the sword lifts it, it thunders And katana glint of silver comes alive Down Israe-el... brevity in moment Then Leki realizes what he has done DADDY!! DADDY!!! screams Leki I have killed my bro .. DADDY!!!! A slight rain covers the land.. Leki sobbing uncontrollably A slight stir did i see, did i.. He is alive Leki!!... He lives Far be it from you Leki To ever put out the lantern For in Israe-el is the lantern The sword of Israe-el now Belongs in the custody The custodians seers Leki you realized katana.. Katana glint of silver You are extra powerful Shouldn't be held lightly Remmy na Lemmy Abuja doesn't feed on manna.. That why the boom and boom Is alive boom boom are drums Drums of war for Lemmy doesn't Doesn't live on manna... ABUJA CODE 254 Mselah 0922hrs LKN

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 7/27/2015 12:05:00 AM
Great tale spiced with some history(i feel:-)). You are great story teller. Good day Lewis
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Lewis Nyaga
Date: 8/10/2015 1:43:00 AM
Thanks Njeri for the continued support****hugs and blessings

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry