The Tongue
Why must humour be lewd and odd?
If ye are are led of God
Then your mouths must be led by His Staff and Rod
If you offer your body as a living sacrifice
As to steer your tongue away from every vice
Then you take steps that suffice
To make you temple
Holy and acceptable
As your service due and reasonable
For in your tongue is the power of life and death
And always riding on your breath
Could be a bouquet or a wreath
If Christ spoke words of life that bring light
Then redeem the time with righteous insight
Putting all vain utterance to flight
Brewing in your hearts welling psalms
Saying them to the downcast as your alms
That they may spring back from the wind like palms
Some wonder what they are living for
Some feel they cannot bear life anymore
But God's Mercy and Love is an open door
Still unspoken to many searchers of the elusive peace
But many empty words spoken to oddly please
And life for most remains without rest and ease
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered
Put an end to words that have the world flattered
And speak to them His promise that always mattered
K. Muitherero.
Copyright © Kennedy Muitherero | Year Posted 2021
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