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The Tides of the Ocean

The tides of the ocean flow as they rise and fall, guided by the forces of the moon and sun, gravity is the common denominator of tides, walking along the shore edge, my feet jump with joy as the tide comes in, a refreshing tingle alerts my nerve endings providing relief, of tired extremities cleansed by the briny liquid massage, I think I know why the ocean flows.* April 14, 2020 *I think I know why the ocean flows - From the poem, I think I know why the ocean flows by Vijay Pandit.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/3/2020 6:40:00 AM
Nice take on the contest.. Congratulations on your placement in the contest..
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Walker Avatar
Sonia Walker
Date: 5/3/2020 7:56:00 AM
Silent One, thank you for the placement. I appreciate the opportunity and feedback that you provide for poets of Poetry Soup with your creative contests. Sincerely, Sonia.

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