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The Theory of Positivism

"The Theory of Positivism" It’s criminal all theories tie that life in neat tight black bows the presents under that tree of life wide spread arms once wide open now closed are presence of mind essence embedded in a heart shut tight pumping blood cold steel silver bullets tutorial delivers the student an exercise exorcised in a class room all glass barriers broken revealed in sharp shards by observer with scientific mind articulated strings unravel irrationally Love is the Key that opens and locks all doors Irrevocably no tears shed at weddings future turns it back on past tensed were there weddings question mark in time sealed official red wax stopped Survival reflex temporal hushed yet revealed Pull the Trigger (LadyLabyrinth / 2021) “Remember Us” / Aqualung feat. Sara Bareilles Assessment, 2. How can we “cure” deviance when psychological positivism has many distinct and conflicting theories? trigger. LYRICS/ "Remember Us", Aqualung feat. Sarah Bareilles

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 3/7/2021 2:13:00 PM
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Date: 3/5/2021 2:31:00 PM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/5/2021 2:34:00 PM
01001001 00100000 01100100 01101111
Date: 3/5/2021 3:50:00 AM
Congratulations on getting poem of the day - enjoy the honor bestowed upon you Breathtaking write. Blessings, Jennifer
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/5/2021 2:29:00 PM
Thanks Jennifer.
Date: 3/4/2021 8:10:00 PM
WoW! What a deep and thought-provoking poem that I'm sure I will read more than once. Positivity has done wonders for me, but I understand it may take more than positivity; it depends on what an individual's needs are. Congratulations on getting the poem of the day. Adding it to my favs:-) Alexis
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/5/2021 3:11:00 AM
Thank you Alexis.
Date: 3/4/2021 2:23:00 PM
"The Reality of Loss. Here's what I most want you to know: this really is as bad as you think. No matter what anyone else says, this sucks. What has happened cannot be made right. What is lost cannnot be restored. There is no beauty here within this central fact." scm, gvlm, klb, mlb
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 3:27:00 PM
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:24:00 PM
"Acknowledgement is everything. You're in pain. It can't be made better. The reality of grief is far different from what others see from the outside. There is pain in this world that you can't be cheered out of."
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:23:00 PM
"You don't need solutions. You don't need to move on from your grief. You need someone to see your grief, to acknowledge it. You need someone to hold your hands while you stand there in blinking horror, staring at the hole that was your life."
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:23:00 PM
"Some things cannot be fixed. They can only be carried."
Date: 3/4/2021 12:51:00 PM
Congratulations on your POTD win. Very creative. I love our line, "Love is the Key." It is. Have a blessed day writing away.............
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:21:00 PM
I think of those stories about people misplacing their keys and finding them in the oddest places much later...ghosts do funny things when they're haunting you.
Date: 3/4/2021 12:06:00 PM
I don’t understand, which makes me feel unintelligent
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:56:00 PM
It's a long story, requiring years worth of reading. Don't worry about the unintelligence factor, that is precisely how I felt when I logged out of my on-line Criminology tutorial this past Wednesday after discussion about the Theory of Positivism. It totally did my head in to a point where I flipped into a trigger moment. The abstract of a poem, applied to my own life in the journey this far, translated it perfectly for me. Thank you for stopping by and elucidating your thoughts; poetry in its best form is a riddle which can be read many ways with a clear meaning eventually for others...or not. This will of course be debated.
Date: 3/4/2021 10:38:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD!
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:20:00 PM
Thank you L Milton sounds like a famous poet/author ...
Date: 3/4/2021 10:13:00 AM
Alas! My friend - I can not help but to look back. To gain greater view to appraise the now. For as a mortal- it is insight I lack. Even as once a panther on the prowl. -- Your poetry always amazes me- in its texture , depths, beauty, heart and soul. M8R A fav and huge congrats on a most well deserved POTD..
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Robert Lindley
Date: 3/4/2021 3:56:00 PM
AHHH yes. Life is a maze of parameters and perimeters interlaced with decimeters of unfathomable of frets, worries and doubts. To live, to love, to find that golden apple. To wade mysterious steams, sleep peacefully and wake to embrace a welcoming new day. Yet each must measure in accord to their own scale. Poetry in the case of poets is indeed the key be it of the mind, heart and/or soul. So sayeth we believers.. God bless..
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:19:00 PM
Poetry Lindley is one of Love's keys. Thank you. Take care of all over there, including yourself. x
Date: 3/4/2021 10:13:00 AM
Wow! Yes love is key. Congrats!
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:18:00 PM
Sometimes it opens doors and it closes them as well. Love is the only key. Thank you. x
Date: 3/4/2021 9:44:00 AM
Thank you LL. Well deserving of the POTD. Cohen? Yes, but Robinson's "We Gotta Walk and Don't Look Back" is gentler on my mind.
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:40:00 PM
The Temptations?
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:17:00 PM
Thank you. Not Cohen....but I love Cohen.
Date: 3/4/2021 8:29:00 AM
A wonderful poetess indeed...Congratulations Lady Labyrinth on POTD...Haven't seen you for the year... All the best always...
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 1:55:00 PM
I made the decision to transition from client to I want to work with victims of trauma (specifically women and children) and made the decision to commence a Bachelors Degree double majorig in Psychological Science/Criminology. I am now at the stage where I'm wondering was I insane to even think I could do the degree. My writing has taken a back seat while I read through great tomes of books on the subjects (which I need a translator to break down the language ;) ... sit in classes where I feel totally unintelligent, and write my assignments and hand them in sadly lacking the pre-requisite APA7 referencing style.). I must be crazy. I am happiest when I am writing creatively and free verse and usually not confirmed to 250 words an assessment to begin. Thank you. Trust all moving well in your life Arturo?
Date: 3/4/2021 7:57:00 AM
Lady L, congratulations on receiving POEM OF THE DAY with your wonderfully penned Free Verse _Constance
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:15:00 PM
Thank you Constance. Free verse does not always mean free mind, but it can open doors to places no one in their past could truly envisage. Sometimes you gotta go through the pain to journey to the better places. Fact is there is always pain and there is always pleasure. And the journey is already mapped out for us, this is what some of us believe.
Date: 3/4/2021 7:17:00 AM
“Give me back my broken night my mirrored room, my secret life It’s lonely here There’s no one left to torture...” The Future, Leonard Cohen ~ congratulations on POTD! Elegant piece. xomo
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 3:33:00 PM
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 3:27:00 PM
I'm going with Buckley, "Grace", music and lyrics. But the song that best relates my poem here, is "Real"/Buckley. It reminds me of the pain) I might leave, leave behind And I feel them drown my name So easy to know and forget with this kiss I'm not afraid to go but it goes so slow Wait in the fire, wait in the fire, Wait in the fire, wait in the fire,
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:12:00 PM
Ah Mo, I do miss my creative writing. Poetry is a beautiful thing, even when it's riddled, to me it all makes sense. Thank you. x
Date: 3/3/2021 12:04:00 PM
We need to oil the trigger and adjust our sights and focus on the big target...fleeting as it may be, it will all be worth it in the end xx
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:08:00 PM
and this will blow your mind...forgot to mention, we have commenced "Theories" in Criminology. Commencing with The Classical, then onto Positivism...and do not laugh, this is true - next week "The Chicago" theory. I will not be going any where near The Cecil Hotel (L.A. is of no interest), I would like to see Chicago, New York, Boston, New Orleans, defo Canada, Alaska, Texas/New Mexico (I have a pal in Albuquerque...and it aint the Coyote or Bugs Bunny) and away from the cities to rural and heritage areas...some beautiful country over there outside of the big cities. Some Road Trips planned.
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/4/2021 2:00:00 PM
I am reading you need to have the much as I am against travel and gain entry to other countries (once travel is opened globally again). Pfizer is best at 96% preventative ... with the new African strain and U.K. strains replicating to be worse than the Covid19. Who do you believe? It is all big $$ pharma. AstraZeneca here, in the 60's % preventative. While I am against the jab, I will take it to travel and gain entry, when open - to the U.S. as planned.
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Ts Poetry
Date: 3/4/2021 1:46:00 PM
A hearty congratulations are in order Modesty xo
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/3/2021 3:09:00 PM
lol.xx The assignment, is to not look at what is left behind on the Road.
Date: 3/3/2021 6:01:00 AM
"This process within our brains is a three-step loop. First, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. Then there is the routine, which can be physical or mental or emotional. Finally, there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future."
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry