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The Take Over

How to criminalized the human race, so that the corporate takeover can take place. First report that the economies of the world are going broke. dramatize it, and say it's definitely not a joke. Make economics starts to crash. Let unemployment start to go fast. Now the process starts as people start losing their jobs. In mass numbers something like lightening and thunder. Now people start finding it hard to pay their bills. Banks go out of business and start heading for the hills. The illegal black markets kicks in to get back on their feet again. So good people start to take black market illegal work to survive. Killing their sense of morality and decency inside. From which they can not hide, The military people step in people get arrested, for trying to get food and shelter and something to eat.Those in control are committing crimes that are untold stealing our money and our gold. More prisons are built all over the place. Innocent people being put in their place. Then the controlling rich appear out of the blue. As the new leaders of the me and you. The take over is complete, now people around the world are on bread lines waiting food and something to eat. That is how it will be done. If people stay asleep and don't wake up to the morning sun. In fact I think the process has already started looking around the world at the unenployed and broken hearted. This is not the end but it's about about to began.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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