The Sweet Smell of Spring
The sweet smell of spring
Danced on the autumn winds
Under the eaves of the wooden cottage
Past the old rusted screens
Filling the room with fragrance
From the flowers that hid from view
Out past the garden
And far beyond
Into the dense green forest
That guarded the old house
From the music of fierce songbirds
That sang in the morning sun
She dreams of days to come
Though he cannot see her
Or hear the laughter
That comes when she thinks of him
Nor does he know that today
She wears her summer blue dress
Because he loved the way it fell
Across the curves of her body
Today the day will be brighter
The sky will be bluer
And the earth will turn more gently
Because she knows he thinks of her
Thinking of him
And like her he dreams
Of days to come
Copyright © Cj Krieger | Year Posted 2015
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