The Summer Winds
The summer winds blows on your face. It’s a hot breezy day that starts up the battery for the sun in deep space. It’s rays are so fluent that sets off your pores into a sweating fragrance. The flowers awake like a fresh cake out of the oven which was baked. It’s summer time here which takes you deep into earth’s atmosphere. The birds give Glory to the Most High for giving them food to pass by. For the sun it attracts females because it is hot. All and all it attracts life to its most deepest thoughts. Yet we do know it’s morning when it comes out and sometimes the sun overtakes the rain in a frozen drought. We know that their is a God who created all of life and the sun is just one in a many that metaphors to a child of a wife. God Bless!
Copyright © Daniel Sweatt | Year Posted 2020
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