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The Stripper

The Stripper..... By Peter Onyancha Lately I have come to believe A poet is a stripper; that’s the naked truth Strips utterly and attacks your eyes You are the ogling private school mate No. No one should know what you know, you know! Private – every portico private Oh, it’s hard – Very hard to unveil When the poet is gone, you groan Imagine, you are left with fertile imagination Infantile wisdom and you are fried (This is the 1st stanza of a long poem entitled The Useleness of Poetry)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 12/8/2010 6:23:00 AM
how weird - a critic and poet here in the UK once said to me that poets and strippers have much in common - both use themselves as their material, and apply art to that, to hold the attention of an audience and then play with expectation, perception and desire...
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