The Stranger On the Sidewalk
The north wind started to blow
It matched the coldness that lived in my soul
The sidewalk was icy
I glanced off beside me
The old man sat there alone
I said sir are you cold
Have you someplace to go
Is there something that I can do
He just smiled and then nodded
Like he knew right where I lived
Said son may I have, just one word with you
And he sat there staring at me
His eyes saw right through me & somehow I feared what he'd seen
All alone in no hurry he had nowhere to be
He saw right through me as he sat there staring at me.
His face worn and weathered & his hands seemed like leather
His soft eyes told a secret that I knew I couldn't see
But his heart wasn't hardened
And I almost walked past him
The stranger asked, nothing from me
He said boy if you keep on running and hedging your bets
Your heart will be empty yet full of regret
I've never unlived a day I've wasted yet
The day that you waste
Is one less day that you get
His eyes pierced my soul
And that's something I'll never forget
I turned to try to walk on
And I looked back and he was gone
And it dawned on me I was alone
And the words that I'd heard
Echoed within my soul
And the life I'd created
Had left me alone and so cold
He said boy if you keep on running and hedging your bets
Your heart will be empty yet full of regret
I've never unlived a day I've wasted yet
The day that you waste
Is one less day that you get
His eyes pierced my soul
And that's something I'll never forget
And that's something I'll never forget
Copyright © Kelly Crenshaw | Year Posted 2015
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