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The Stench of a Broken Heart

When I looked in to her eyes, In it I saw a prospect of a paradise. A paradise whose entry was not contingent on my righteousness. My days of startling agony, still battled my hope of finding true love. Like the Battle of Armageddon, I always came out a looser. But meeting her... yea the Vault of Heaven, was like proximal to the Book of Leaves. Her countenance and demeanor, whispered melodic symphonies. And her meekness and charm, transited me into a world of ecstasy. Covered In fine linen and sapphire, she glowed than a continuous spectrum. Her beauty was an Achilles hill, that all men that saw her failed to vanquish. Just like my maiden father Adam, In her I saw the hidden part of me. As a woman, as one I will be spending my life with. I have never felt this conflagration before, It was apparent she was my dream woman. What can be compared to the taste of crimson honey, The more it reddened the more it sweetened. I have never loved like this before. For her I was willing to exchange my soul, To be with her till eternity. But cunningly she unmasks her real face. Beneath her could not be compared to an iota of grace. She was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Who entered my life to distort and annihilate, My hope of bliss. All these while we paddled and flew high, In the crescendo of our emotions. It never crossed my mind that it was all a hoax. A calculated sham just to make away with all I ever had. Now am left with nothing, Since her angelic face and docile pace, Which I thought was the elixir my unending conundrum, Was rather an emotional and psychological torture, That has rendered my life defunct. When I imagine her driving around town, Adorned in my hard earned luxury, There is only one moment I wish , I could re-write. And that was the day I met her. I always tell myself that sometimes, It is better some people don’t come into your life. But here I am know, Wishing to right my wrongs and alter the past. But it is so sad that I cannot have my way. I know in the annals of time, When my saga is being told, I will be know as the moron, Who killed himself because of a girl. Though it may sound and look stupid, I deem it a befitting penance, For my obsessed illusion of love, Thus love is an illusion that, Emotionally disrupt sober discretion. What can be compared to the stench of a broken heart.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 12/15/2015 10:41:00 PM
Hi, Jacob, it's hard to compare pain. You did well trying to mend the heart. I really enjoy the way you poured deep thoughts and emotions into your poem. HUGS. LINDA
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Date: 12/1/2015 1:47:00 PM
JACOB, Enjoyed reading your poem today. ~SKAT~
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