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The State

Corruption in the rumours and on the scenes High profile slaps and cattle vaccines Taxes, levies and airport leases Pleasure decreases and pressure increases Critics disappear in a bid to peddle fear Rage and despair always lingers in the air In the web of science and in the display of art But it all meets a deaf ear and a hardened heart Cry much tears and make much noise But nothing under the sun presents choice We are in the middle of a humbling occasion Where we turn to God in desperation We have tried change in its ranges And for ages in sin and its wages And the overturns have brought us to this Where justifiers of war are men of peace We now recall unheeded warnings Now that we suffer squeezed earnings But that is water under the bridge We scale in huff the steepness to the ridge Armed with no trust in fellow man Neither buying his promise nor plan And this I will teach my children To cast faith only to God in Heaven. K. Muitherero

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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