The Stars and Beyond
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For The Premiere Contest, "Your Absolutely Best Poem"
Sponsor, Tom Woody

Sestina: A highly structured form of poetry consisting of six six-line stanzas and ending with a three-line half-stanza (thirty-nine lines). The end words of the first stanza are repeated in strict order as the end words in the other stanzas.
The concluding half-stanza uses the same six words; 1,3 and 5 in the centers of each line, and 2, 4, and 6, at the ends.
As we speculate the clear evening sky
Iridescent with gems, which we call stars,
Alive in our hearts stir the endless dream
To unwind and solve the puzzles of Earth-
The unfathomed vastness of cosmic space.
Since time began, this has been our great wish.
Because of this strong and enduring wish
Our minds are forever drawn to the sky,
Where in the blankness of great timeless space
Drift all the planets, our Sun, Moon, and stars.
And amidst it all, our minuscule Earth-
Seems lost in this cloudy, galactic dream.
But humans will always anxiously dream
Of someday achieving this inborn wish;
Discovering answers about the Earth;
Exploring the unknown realms of the sky
To find our way among planets and stars,
Erasing boundaries of time and space.
What truths does it hold, this infinite space?
Will answers always be- vague as a dream?
Do other planets with suns as our stars
Have beings like earthlings who hope and wish?
Do they gaze at their vast eternal sky;
Know of our galaxy, Sun, Moon, and Earth?
Though we're secure on this great mammoth Earth,
When we contemplate the vastness of space,
We know we are only dust in the sky
And our importance dissolves like a dream,
For matter not how we wonder and wish
We are naught amid the planets and stars.
Gems on black velvet, our heaven of stars;
So close they all seem to mortals of Earth;
So often we stare at them- make a wish-
Yet billions of light-years measure the space
In between. When will we wake from our dream?
Solve all the puzzles that darken our sky?
Twinkle on, great sky, with your rhinestone stars-
Continue, sweet dream, for beings of Earth!
Eternal as space, is our hope and wish!
Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2015
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