The Star of Oman
The Star of Oman
By Joji Varghese Kuncheria
The star that dawned the horizon,
For five decades is gone for ever,
But the legacy is going to remain,
As a beacon to lead generations.
The people of the nation have seen,
This super star reigning in the sky,
With wisdom and understanding,
Pursuing lasting peace at all times.
A quality many refuse to embrace,
Has made him a champion of peace,
Overcoming the challenging times,
Through patience and endurance.
He devoted a whole life for the nation,
To raise the living standards sky high,
Bringing prosperity and a bright future,
To the young and the old of his country.
Though the star has eclipsed the skies,
The laurels are eternal to Sultan Qaboos,
For paving a way of peace, of harmony,
For generations to relish in future years.
Copyright © Varghese Kuncheria | Year Posted 2020
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