The Spice of Life
As the time ticks away, life will always go on
I have no regrets when something has gone
Little things give pleasure and make me smile
As I wonder through life each mile by mile
Nothing can take away from me the memories inside
My fears are dispelled and bad memories I hide
For me the spice of life is being happy from within
Life is what you make of it so make life begin
Sorrow is so negative and not to be desired
Happiness is hard to find when it is required
Through life there are choices of which way to go
Where these choices lead that I do not know
The spice of life is mainly a little piece of fun
To where I am now from when it first begun
Time is irrelevant in the whole of life’s span
Each and every minute I’ll enjoy while I can
Longingly I search for something day by day
Not letting all the petty things get in my way
My life has been fulfilled and the trouble erased
Through life I am ‘blessed’ I think ‘god be praised’
Copyright © Pamela Griffiths | Year Posted 2011
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