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The speech in the heart

The Speech In The Heart In the frozen heart, a warm beat remains, A lingering memory, a love that sustains. Your disappearance left me lost and cold, A life without hope, a future to unfold. Trembling with grief, yet a spark within, A flame that flickers, a love that always wins. The words I couldn't speak, now flow like a stream, A heartfelt message, a love that's pure and serene. You are truly beautiful, inside and out, A radiant soul, a heart that shines without a doubt. Your words lifted me from the darkest night, Guiding me forward, a beacon of light. Your presence warmed my heart, a comfort so true, A feeling I last experienced with my mother, anew. Though I'm consumed by grief, I couldn't express, The gratitude I feel, the love that I possess. You supported me through trials and strife, A constant presence, a love that's rife. I promise to carry your memory in my heart, To love and cherish you, never to depart. In the silence, I whisper my vow, To support and love you, wherever life may allow. Though it's hard to let go, I'll hold on to the past, And hope that someday, our love will forever last.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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