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The Soulmate

many miles I have rome and called many boats a home they've taken many place to meet alot of faces I lived different lives with three lovely wifes the first on I met at a red light got her pregnant that night all she did was lie and demand she even hit me with a frying pan I was so angry with my spouse I left on a boat called"she got the house" well the second one was in a bar a wishing that captain mike would take her fishin I did call her honey but I really married her for the money then on day I was a thinking maybe if I knocked her up she'd quit drinking after 9 months my plan had worked but it came with one small quork one day I came home she had moved to san antone unset she didn't want to know me I called the next sailboat "blow me!" the third wife had a few zits but I think I married her for her tig bits not sure no memories I had she was just there when I got out of rehab couldn't tell you the times I had she was young and had an attorney for a dad her dad wanted so much to relate to me that he even paid for my vi-sec-tow-me but towards me he held some grudges and in the same law firm with all the judges sure the blame on me they'd be nailing again I desided it was time to go sailing so with my buddy dave who loved to misbehave I told my wife I was getting some bread I got on my boat and took off instead a year and a quarter sailing I don't deny I called that boat the "ReasonY" I sailed to fill a void but it was so skimpy my sails were full but my soul was empty couldn't find happiness where ever I rome for the first time I desided to go home two months to the day you could set your clock I finally made it to my home dock and to what supprize my eyes did see my wife was standing there waiting for me bye gones were by gones wrongs made right she missed me so much and we made love all night I traded the "ReasonY" for a gas guzzling power boat to make sure I couldn't ever aford to go so remote togo sailing with out her I promised I'd never just to make sure we'd always be together now my sails are gone and my soul is full towards her I feel my heart pull now everyday is like our first date and we call our new boat "the soulmate" by Capt. Mike Harris

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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