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The Song

The song is a gift from God to me And a present from my heart to yours. It’s meant to be shared. It’s meant to be free. It’s meant to break down closed doors. The song is worth nothing if no one will hear. The message just cannot get through. But the song is not reaching anyone’s ear And I don’t know what else to do… The song is a promise of what just might be, Or the hope of a time yet to come, Or a picture that someone might wish to see, Or a dream that has barely begun. The song is a story of somebody’s life, Or a message to somebody’s heart, Or a roadmap of how to be dealing with strife, But nobody’s seeing the art… The song is a monster raging within That struggles so hard to get out. The song is a racer, running to win, A warrior fighting with doubt. The song is a lover that longs to be warm, A dreamer that just wants to fly A child that’s cowering under the storm And nobody hears the kid cry… And I’m trying to do it all myself I’m trying to get it all done. Trying so hard to convince myself That I’m not the only one. And I’m tired of all the effort it takes. I fear it’s my fate and my doom. But I put on a smile while my heart breaks And I sing to the empty room.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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