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The Sometimes Crooked Path

In this lonely trail of brokenness, Oh my Lord what a mess, In tandem good intentions mixed with willful sinfulness. And the tears once sweet seem bitter as I cry Yet. Still in awe of just how You could love, Something such as I? On this trail of broken promises and lies. To the Via Dolorosa I was blind, Yet somehow thru the darkness, You still led me to Your Light. While the sin that nailed You to the cross was mine. The Love that held You to that cross was Thine. Still. You’re still Savior And I’m grateful to the One, Whose desire to hold me, Is greater and more powerful, Than my desire to run.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 10/28/2020 7:19:00 PM
Beautifully expressed poem about the spiritual struggles of a Christian fighting sinfulness, Kelly. Thankful for His mercy and grace. Enjoyed this! :)
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