The Smothering Kind
The Smothering Kind
My love for you is as pure as the snow on the vine
I never meant for it to be the smothering kind
Your way to close to love from a distant
but should my love have consequences
Love is not love if measured by its bounderies
That is only what the heart can see
My heart is your heart in me it abides
I never meant for it to be the smothering kind
I didn't mean for my arms to be like cages
I wanted them to be strong like the river rages
I didn't want it to be a love that binds
I never meant for it to be the smothering kind
My intensions were not to cling
I wanted to be the wind beneath your wings
I know with love there is a fine line
I never meant for it to be the smothering kind
Copyright © Mary Adair | Year Posted 2011
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