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The Simple Life

i dont ask for alot out of this world just enough to bet by im not trying to be a multi millionaire just looking for a small peice of the pie not trying to buy a great big castle a simple house will do just fine and maybe i dont need a limo just a car that i can call mine and all of that gold and jewelery dont have to be hanging around my neck as long as i can afford to pay my bills and hold my head up with respect i've never been that picky i generally take what i can get i just hate to be stressed by living from check to check forget about the jones's who cares how they live i'm just trying to keep my head above water and not worrie about paying my next bill and all the fame who needs to be reconized everywhere they go i just need to feel loved by the few people i know as long as i can afford the things i need and feel everythings going to be alright that's all it really takes for me im ok with the simple life

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 12/14/2011 8:08:00 AM
Very down to earth and beautifully written. Loved it.
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