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The Silver Screen

Why have all the Valentino's Disappeared from our screens These handsome adonis That made some young women swoon, Yell and scream. They did not need words, Their smouldering looks sufficient, Your imagination took flight As their gestures were so efficient. Women lost their identities. Now, they were the actress on the screen, This silent, seductive creature. Was the onlooker in a dream? Every passionate kiss It was for her and her alone, Valentino's tender touch It felt like no other touch yet known. You could hear music playing softly Then, rising to stir your heart, You lost yourself in the silver screen Immersed in playing the part, Of the great Rudolph Valentino's Love interest for a while. It was a film you will remember for years, And will always make you smile. Silver Screens and Golden Years Bring back fond memories and happy tears.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/29/2024 9:04:00 PM
Oh, I could write a dissertation on this subject --- but I'll resist. I'd rather eat dessert anyway... Thanks for more grist for my overactive mill, Shirley, and here's to the discovery of a Valentino in time for Feb. 14. Cheers, Gershon
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Date: 1/26/2024 1:46:00 AM
Its very different nowadays Shirley….everything seen and done on the screen straight away haha!! Great poem my lovely friend! Debx
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