The Silence of the Crows
We are blessed to walk in nature where everyday her routine unfolds before our eyes
but every now and then we’re blessed when she gives us a surprise.
Each morning like clockwork thousands of crows set forth
crossing the sky just above us…as they head out south to north..
We usually hear them before we see them…in loud gatherings they fly
calling out to one another as they nonchalantly flutter by.
Today a strong wind was blowing which meant those intelligent crows
with an understanding of aerodynamics…would be flying rather low…
We watched them skimming neath the wind almost touching the water…
or just above the ground
and were amazed how this line of normally boisterous crows…never made a sound.
We could hear ropes hitting masts of ships in the marina
sounds the wind makes when she blows.
We could hear the waves crash upon the shore…
but we never heard the crows.
And when the crows are silent…when they’re as quiet as a kite
We are treated, in that silence, to the beauty of their flight.
Flying and talking to one another…the beauty of their harmony flows
but there is also quiet beauty in the silence of the crows.
Some of nature’s beauty is in her routines…
her nightly sunsets and daily sunrises
but every now and then she reminds us…
there is beauty in her surprises.
Copyright © Jim Yerman | Year Posted 2018
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