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The She-Devil

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Born within the realm of hell's fire, spawned in the ashen dawning, Between brimstone's sacred flame, and sulfur's earthen cauldrons, Given the spark of life by the elemental goddess, nature herself. The she-devil sleeps, in her Multan rock cradle, slumbering In a lava tubes chamber, dreaming of the cooler world above. But fire and ice begets steam, which burns and singes at raw flesh, Yet the she-devil feels it not, scaled in battlements armor, both Above and below, she remains impervious, divinities off spring Of excellence, perfection's ultimate killer. Creations creature of contrast, birthed within fire, but inwardly, She yearns to feel the chilling winds of ice and snow, against her Flesh and bones. Confusion's destructive force of raw power of the supernatural, Yet within her beating heart, sorrows remorse lives, Keeping rhythm with the pulsating, changing of The seasons. Awakening from hibernation's isolation, shattered Are her frozen dreams of illusion, melting into broken Shards in this delusion alary reality, of her fiery realms Surroundings. Raising her head the she-devil, cries crystal line tears, That fall unto the smoking earth, Creating a circle of steam, around the beast. Oh mother forgive thee, for what I must do, Begging, pleading, forgive me, forgive, but my heart Whispers ever so sweetly with the longings desire, That I cannot bare its weight any longer! Growling, gripping, tearing until finally braking Through to the ethereal sun world beyond. Freedoms unshackled dragon, the she-devil spreads her Ebony wings outwardly, embracing the chilly Currents of the night winds beneath her massive body. Behold hearts ascension, a living inferno, Soaring in flights vast divides on high, Then descending into the polar ionosphere, Then diving lower, and lower Free falling just letting it go, to achieve her Dream's awaking, the highest price she knows Must be paid, to exist within her icy illusions, And it is Life itself. Physically crashing in to the ice and snow below, she becomes A living avalanche, a frozen monument to dreams achievement, Thus so she sleeps at eternal peace at last. The flame of the she devil lies now encased within her frozen tomb, And this earthen dragon soars no more except on a higher spiritual Plane of existence, dipping and diving through a stormy blizzard, Yet the smile of contentment does so burn, within her icy heart at last. BY: CHERYL ANNA DUNN Even within something created by evil, Their can be some beauty hidden within, In the heart of the blazing dragon, it cools As it's inspirational dream becomes fulfilled!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 6/3/2016 10:53:00 PM
This is raw imagery of the super natural. My beloved Angel.... Sorry I missed this poem. To even feel crystalline tears... Amazing write... Love your poetic Sis...Linda
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Date: 10/2/2015 1:56:00 PM
- Never judge by first impressions, but they do exist :) - I have not read your Halloween stories yet .... but I will come.... little by little - I remember from last year, you are the expert on these stories, dear Cherl - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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