The Shadow I Hide Behind
It may seem like I am always bright and cheery
but there are times when I am sad and weary.
I don't always let that show as I hide behind a closed and locked door
and rather keep things as happy go - Lucky
It is the way I deal with life instead of staying down to sit
there with a frown I get up and turn it all around with a smile, and
it can change my mood for a good long while.
Then eventually I may sit and cry but soon I get up and smile again
as there is more to life than the hurt and stife, I like to bring a smile
to others as that keeps my sprits up and I can keep a happy outlook
on each new day that we live and always help to give a smile
to someone's face that brings us joy and is full of grace.
In this case I may not always be bright and cheery but I never
show when I am sad and weary.
Copyright © Leanne Perks | Year Posted 2011
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