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The Security of Nevermore

as if the body destroyed endure the decline you try to mend when entering and exiting appointment and pharmacies and bandages and palliatives and medicines and therapies and hopes and absurd bets after the unsynchronized years the age and the intercurrence of the discomforts as they say putting velvet over the thorns silently waiting for something wonderful to emerge from the left end of the brightest star or else already giving up sure it finally comes from the distant valley a warm and fragrant wave sedation like a fog cozy and comfortable that embraces all spoils of the tortured organic machine the skin tattooed in the pain of bad days and drive friendly in conformity with an almost joy to the security of nevermore

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 5/3/2022 3:05:00 PM
Marco, in my humble opinion, this is an awesome piece of writing. Several of the phrases sparked the synapses as it moved from "the body destroyed" to "the security of nevermore." Damned good stuff!
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Marco Chies
Date: 5/3/2022 3:19:00 PM
my father is 88 years old and my mother is 80 years old. I have been following their physical decline, taking them to consultations, pharmacies, therapies, etc... it's a sad experience, as you can imagine. you know how it works: after a certain time, the human machine requires constant maintenance. I appreciate your words and know that they are very important to me, as I said before. Unfortunately I can't express myself in English the way I would like, I know that only constant dedication will make me improve the quality of my texts.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things