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The Secret in The Sky

I own the secret club that rise from heaven above, I own the moon in the sky and it must be loyal to me until the day I die And the when the sun comes out you must greet it with a cheerful shout The stars are waiting on you to take a trip to the galaxy to search for the next pair of shoe, it has been missing for a thousand year and it cause my heart to fear ; you have made trip after trip and you have returned with the empty dish and the lines keep moving around, they are making the people frown. Come and sit a while with me and learn some ancient history The universe has no friends except for the Nazca lines that spread out across the Peruvian desert how much the patterns make my spirit reel And when the moon is full and the light spills over the earth, I spin Around ten times and make the galaxy sublime and nature become mine. They say that miracle happen in heaven and magic originates from hell but if you are wise as the American eagle, you will make life very simple and keep soaring in the air and examine the rocks and how middle eastern men wears frocks, there is a sameness in something when the universe tries to sing and when the key is off the plane will take off. There is a secret in the sky and I will keep it until the day I die They have tried to unravel this history and it leaves them dry and empty Once the secret is told it will strip you in the middle of the road and if you know the secret you cannot share it and the only way to know it is to discover it. The secret in the Sky is laden with geometric design; rectangles are swirling about and the triangles are moving in and out, the trapezium are standing firm and it is causing my courage to burn and as the planes mounts in the sky the straight lines disappear and the zigzags line appears. The monkeys in the east will fight with their hands and feet to conquer the oval beast, there is a secret in the sky and you have to know it before you die.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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