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The seaburg 1984

The many quarters dropped in the jukebox as you ran in and out answering calls demanding pushing cursing out staff as I sat there pink dress ain’t no body by Chaka Khan if this world was mine by Cheryl Lynn I still want my refund wasting so many quarters how dare you the record spins then skips it’s gonna take a miracle to make me love someone new who are you such and empty bastard catering to empty pockets mafia Frank put a quarter in the jukebox ain’t nobody you know this an yet you bring important people to play our song why what’s the matter with you tell your people I won’t be controlled unless there is smudge proof writing silk sheets creating masterpieces of new lyrics even then watch yourself mister crescendo refrain sing what’s love got to do with it unexpressed unamused by corruption besides you hear that up tempo my favorite is still playing Mafia madness Novel

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