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The Sea and Me

The Sea and Me I am a child born of water a daughter of the sea, where the water joins the shoreline is where I want to be. I need to see the sunrise burst red against blue skies, watch the dolphins splash and play and listen to their cries. I need to feel the warm sand firm beneath my feet, and listen to the pounding surf and the rhythm of it’s beat. I need to walk along the shore gather treasures that I find, a kitten paw, a periwinkle shells of every kind. I need to dream of mermaids and pirate ships with sails of white, of creatures swimming in it’s depths and sea birds taking flight. I need to feel the sultry breeze blow soft against my face, taste the salt upon my lips and feel the sun’s embrace. I need to feel the gentle waves swirl softly around my toes, and let the magic of their power wash away my woes. I need to stand at the water’s edge let my thoughts drift out to sea, and wait there ’til the tide rolls in to bring them back to me. And when my life is over as it is meant to be, I only have but one request Please return me to the sea.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 12/28/2021 10:34:00 PM
Congrats. Thanks for sharing this "be-attitude of the heart." God bless you. A blessed New Year to your and your family.
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Date: 11/14/2021 5:53:00 PM
Cathy, this is so reminiscent of my years near Durban, famous seaport in Africa, and how I loved the sea, shells, sand. This really deserves POTD; yet, we write because we must. We may be used to inspire others, read others, think (or meditate. It's better than thinking). I did think of sea-sand though, as it melts under my toes when the backwash begins: "I need to feel the warm sand firm beneath my feet/" (I firmly believe in shalom, shalom: health& healing)
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Cathy Strackbein
Date: 11/14/2021 8:24:00 PM
Thank you for your kind words. Although I live in Pennsylvania I try to get to the ocean at least twice a year. I feel like I've come home when I stand at the waters' edge and listen and feel it's life-force. It renews my soul.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry