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The Scatheless Soul

Unseen but ubiquitous, Savage and surreal, If not curated but contagious, Annihilative and aerial, Then lurking, now loose, You are the silent stone sepulchre, Tangling, tormenting; transient truce, An asphyxiating, aggravating and apocalyptic aperture, You might among countless thriving throng induce fear, Cause bountiful bouts of darkness and despair, You might perhaps possess lives of mankind in multitudes, Cripple economies and ravage revenues. Say, can you cease the blowing of wildly winds? Say, can you banish a bridal blush or a child’s caprice? Say, can you hold the hanker of a koel for its lilting lyrics, while it sings? Say, can you shackle the Sun, or rob its rays with your bitter malice? You are nothing but an atomic annihilator, a sombre spree, In vain you strive to rule over our spirits free, We would surmount all sufferings and decimate your derisive decree. Saptarshi Mukherjee

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 7/8/2021 7:25:00 PM
Powerful penning hyere, Saptarshi! Your alliterative elegance is addictive, and your questions brook no answer. Superb! Peace, Gershon
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