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The Ruba'Iyat of Creteil Lake - Part Twenty-Eight

The Ruba’iyat of Créteil Lake – Part Twenty-Eight Other media meanwhile busy with who’s sleeping with whom Relying on New-Sweep and Thyme to make loud front-page zoom Mainly of those who leapfrog into top power palaces On whether de Beauvoirs or transvestites be given more room Dohr took dire toll on the High Prelate’s laboured vocal chords And just as the Chief pow-wowed with advisors and legal boards So did His Holiness with a delegation come from afar The results as well as can be expected turned out: Discord! The wily Franquist woman counselor slammed the Chief’s car door And bee-lined the barred gates of the trysting hotel’s portico The Chief sent Commandant in hot pursuit of bent-backed woman Scarf drawn over pockmarked scalp limpet-mouthed suction sore As the dohr throngful of the Faithful streamed out queues formed for asr The Commandant waylaid the Imam come out for some air: “…ad subjiciendum… Omar…Tent Maker’s prodigal heir…” “Means thou Umar ibn Al-KHattap…Exalted Caliph Sire?” Non-plussed the Commandant looked hard at Writ in his thick hands: “Your Holiness! Be it thy pleasure to peruse these commands!” One yea-sayer read aloud: “Oooo..maaaar ibn al-Khaaayyaaaamm…” “Who? Must be that drunken half-Turk by rich widows favour finds!” © T. Wignesan – Paris, 2014

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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